Monday, October 17, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday, Home School Edition

For the last year I have been saving the book Eating Through The Alphabet by Lois Ehlert for this very moment. Muffin Tin Monday, Home School Edition.
We have finally reached the letter portion of Brie's curriculum, making this our first of twenty six Lois Ehlert Muffin Tin Monday's.Today we learned all about: Apricots, Asparagus, Apples, Avocado and Artichoke. While the girls gobbled up the apples, asparagus and chips, we only sampled the other "A"wkward foods. But hey, at least they tried them, right?


  1. I'll have their artichoke! ;) Looks like a yummy muffin tin meal!

  2. A+.....I just gotta know...did they like the foods raw?
