Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I have a guilty pleasure to admit, well more like torture, I'm addicted to the store Anthropologie. The only problem is I can't afford it, no, I refuse to pay the outrages prices for any of it. Instead I just browse the store allowing the intoxicating smell of all the surrounding beauty consume me. After just a few minutes (minute who am I kidding, seconds) I start to come down with a serious case of "the wants", so I walk into the dark SALE room hoping to find a great deal. Once inside I realize nothing is cute anymore and walk out depressed. Depressed that I have no style, depressed that I'm so cheap, depressed that I'm having a pity-party over stuff.

This was of course was no different yesterday when I saw this outfit on the mannequin, but $1000 for an outfit, um no way. Instead I'll save my $1000 for a new bathroom vanity, be content with my Gap wardrobe and save my pity-party for my next visit to Anthropologie. Sigh!


  1. Hahaha! I was just in Anthropologie the other day and felt the same way. Left with nothing :( C'est la vie!

  2. I've never been to this store, but that is a cute outfit!

  3. Well, if you skipped the boots and just wore your own, it would only be a few hundred. ;-)

  4. I totally sympathize! Whenever I "go shopping" I struggle with insane amounts of jealousy of all the people who can afford the stuff that I want but won't ever buy. Then I tell myself that they can't really afford it, and they're just putting it all on credit to pay for it over the next seven years. That helps me feel better...but only a little bit.

  5. Totally agree with 1)the outrageous prices at "that" store and 2) how suddenly something "so cute" becomes "so grandma" simply by being relegated to the sale room. I can't figure it out either Jess! But i'm addicted too!!!!!
