Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Crazy Love

Today I want to share how thankful I am for my husband, the man I married close to nine years ago. Then we were two crazy kids in love...I had no clue what I was getting myself into-I just knew Robert was the man I wanted to face life with.

So, I wanted to take this oppurtintiy to tell Robert and my audience that...

I'm thankful for the godly example he is to our two crazy kids.

I'm thankful for the hard work he does to generiously provide for our family.

I'm thankful that he fully admits I'm his best friend (he sure is mine).

I'm even thankful that he knows just the right way to push my buttons and make me smile, because even though I'll deny it every time...I kind of like it when he teases me!!!

But most of all I'm thankful that we're more in love today than nine crazy years ago!