Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Walk in the Zoo

Thanks to some extra Christmas money from our generous family we were able to buy memberships to the San Antonio Zoo and San Antonio Children's museum over the weekend. And let me tell you we wasted no time in taking advantage of them. Now if it ever warms up we'll be able to head over to Sea World to pick up their season passes--comeback 70 degrees, comeback.

Onto the Zoo--Saturday was warm enough to be outside, 58-60 degrees, and daddy was busy studying for Test 7 (I did tell you he passed 6 right?) so the girls and I made a trip to the zoo.

After buying 2 Souvenir Tiger Cups of pop ($4.50 each), 2 Souvenir Lion Bowls of ice cream ($2.25 each) and 1 Souvenir Popcorn Tub ($4) we were all set to head over to the Africa Live exhibit. For your information, I'm a sucker for the "can we get that?" requests the girls make at attractions, at least I get $1 refills next time.

Here is a picture of Brie at the newly renovated Hippo Exhibit before the hippo looked my girls straight in the eyes, snarled and then turned around to pooped in their face. Let's just say this smile didn't last very long.

Once I got the girls to stop screaming, we were able to enjoy a few less "aggressive" animals like the Gazelles.
Although Briar seemed to enjoy the monkeys most.

After racing through the stinky bird section, we ventured into the Tiny Tot exhibit spending a good hour just playing amongst some animals--kinda.
Here the girls are having a picnic with some raccoon-like statues.
The girls also had the opportunity to "ride" an alligator.
Our last stop inside the zoo was a visit to watch the Prairie Dogs hard at work.

(I love this picture)
You do remember how I told you I'm a sucker for the "can we get that?" requests, so when Brie asked to ride the Choo-Choo we made it our last activity. I mean she had to get one last free train ride in before she turns three on Tuesday, right?
Departing the train Brie managed to melt my heart with a big thank you, we then picked up FireWok for dinner, road our bike a little before baths and all crashed in bed at 8:30.

If I haven't said it before, I'll say it now, I love being a mom to Brie and Briar. I pray they grow up to be even more fabulous than they already are.
Stay tuned tomorrow to hear about our trip the the Children's Museum.