Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Celebrating Valentine's Day nontraditional has become a tradition in our house and today was no different.

Instead of getting a card, I received a hand written letter--a letter I had already received on a past January 24th. Sometimes it's good to be remind you've always been loved.

Then after church instead of heading for a romantic dinner, we took our lunch to the park--as a family!

Instead of seeing a movie, we kicked a ball around.

Instead of hiring a sitter, we taught Brie to jump rope.

Instead of eating chocolate, we munched on yogurt covered pretzels.

But the best part of my nontraditional holiday is I got to spend it with not one, but three Valentine's--

--you see for that I'm one lucky girl!


  1. Ha ha ha...I did totally the opposite this year! We were all about the dinner and a movie. But we rarely go out to eat, and even more rare is to see a movie at the theater, so this was truly a treat for us. Of course, we didn't have to worry about kids and hiring a sitter. In time though...all in good time. ;) Sounds like you guys had a great Valentine's Day!
