Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Extravaganza

It may come as no surprise to you that I love pretty things, pretty-party things especially. So when given the opportunity to host an Easter Party at my house I jumped on it. Six toddlers, yummy sweets and lots of cuteness--that's what I call an Easter Extravaganza and I loved it!

Now I'm no TomKat Studio, but I do have fun recreating her designs on a dime.

The dessert table Guenther House Lamb Cookies, Jelly Beans and "What is Easter?" book (a great book explaining the true meaning of Easter)!

Peeps on my homemade (cardboard covered) serving platter.

Guenther House bunny cookies and super cute Target plates.

My new $4 beverage tub from Big Lots holds these yummy Italian Soda's nicely.

And no dessert table would be complete without cupcakes. Although this time I cheated, everything came out of a box, even the icing, not so yummy!

I transformed my dining room table into a giant coloring sheet. It was a great distraction while the mom's hid eggs in the other rooms. The kids had fun, but what they were really waiting for was the egg hunt.

The hunt went off without a hitch; the big kids filled their basket's to the brim, while the little ones were content with just a few.

After a picnic lunch everyone enjoyed a cupcake or two.

Especially Briar!

And finally after another hour of play everyone headed home with a new bug catcher and I stored my pretty party stuff away for another opportunity to host a houseful of toddlers!

My only regret is that I would have gone to the mailbox yesterday, that way I could have used my new bunny napkin rings. Oh well, I'll save those for this Sunday's brunch!


  1. Wow, everything looks so cute and festive. Great job Jess!! You are quite the Martha Stewart of Texas. And I just love that adorable picture of Briar.

  2. Jessica, I love you. You make everything a party!
