Monday, March 8, 2010

St. Patrick's Day Fun

Today I was feeling a little crafty (which is usually the case when I don't want to clean), so I put my ambitious spirit to work on St. Patrick's Day goodies for the girls. Yes, I'm one of those mom's who celebrates EVERY holiday with her girls. And when one has so many "Party Blogs" in her favorites tab, it's easy to find inspiration. Case and point, this Pot-of-Gold!

The "gold" in the green pot are Golden Oreo's, seriously I could have never thought of that on my own.

These pinwheels, however, we're my own special find. The green colors where perfect for a St. Patrick's Day gift.

During my traditional Sunday Afternoon "party research" I came across these free cupcake toppers at The TomKat Studio. Since my printer is out of ink (and has been for two years) I decided to make my own.

Brie even helped. Here are her cupcake toppers?

Can't wait to put it all together next Tuesday for our little party--if Brie has her way we'll eat at a little Irish place called "McDonald's"!

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