Instead it was a Vernor's kind of day.
This may not seem like a big deal to my Michigan friends, but let me assure you it is. You see no one should ever have to endure the stomach flu without a can of warm Vernor's and bendy straw. I know this because I went through an entire pregnancy without my beloved ginger ale (they don't sell it in TX), and for that reason I vowed my children would never experience that pain. Which is why I smuggled a few green cans into the great state of Texas and hid them in the pantry for days just like today. Yes friends, I am Super Mom!!!!
However, just because the girls weren't eating, didn't mean it had to be a bento-less day.
Which is why I packed Rob this snack box for his afternoon study session.Hopefull the homemade brownie will give him the extra support he needs to pass exam 9!!!
Bento means love. Awwww.